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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - before


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~1 conjunction 1 earlier than the time when something happens  (Say goodbye before you go. | It will be sometime before we know the full results.) 2 so that something bad does not happen  (Put that money somewhere safe before it gets stolen. | That dog ought to be destroyed before it attacks any more children.) 3 used to say that your are willing to suffer or do something unpleasant rather than do something that you do not want to do  (He will die before he tells them what they want to know.) 4 before you know it spoken used to say that something will happen very soon  (We'd better set off or it will be dark before we know it.) 5 used to warn someone not to laugh at, criticize etc someone or something because they have faults and weaknesses themselves  (Before the chairman starts attacking committee members he ought to remember his own mistakes.) 6 used to warn someone that you will do something unpleasant or harmful to them if they do not do something  (Get out before I call the police.) ~2 prep 1 earlier than something  (I usually take a shower before having my breakfast. | The new road should be completed before the end of the year. | He arrived home before me. | the day before yesterday (=two days ago))  (- see front1) 2 ahead of someone or something else in a list or order  (I think you were before me in the queue.) 3 in the same place, or in front of a person or crowd of people  (Italy will face Brazil this afternoon before a crowd of 100,000 spectators.) 4 if something such as a report or evidence is put before a person or group of people they must consider it and make a decision about it  (The proposal was put before the planning committee.) 5 if one quality or person comes before another, it is more important than it  (I put my wife and kids before anyone else. | Quality must come before quantity in my opinion.) 6 formal in front of  (The priest stood before the altar. | The great plain stretched out before them.) 7 if one place is before another place it is a particular distance in front of that place as you travel towards it  (The pub is 100m before the church on the right.) 8 formal if there is a job or situation before you, you have to do the job or face the situation soon  (The task of emptying the house lay before us.) 9 formal if a period of time is before you it is about to start and you can do what you want during it  (We had a glorious summer afternoon before us to do as we pleased.) 10 formal if you show a particular reaction before someone or something you react in that way  (She trembled before the prospect of meeting him again.) ~3 adv 1 at an earlier time  (Haven't we met before? | I thought she might take notice of what I said but she just carries on as before. | the day/week/month before)  (Last week she was in Paris, and the week before she was in Rome. | before long)  (I expect the bus will be here before long. | The kids were playing in the mud and before long they were covered in it.) 2 old use ahead of someone or something else  (The king's herald walked before.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'before' is used in the phrasal verbs ‘go before’ and ‘lay before’. 1. If something happens before a particular date, time, or event, it happens earlier than that date, time, or event. Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas... Before World War II, women were not recruited as intelligence officers... My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am. ? after PREP • Before is also a conjunction. Stock prices climbed close to the peak they’d registered before the stock market crashed. CONJ 2. If you do one thing before doing something else, you do it earlier than the other thing. He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England... Before leaving, he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet. ? after PREP: PREP -ing • Before is also a conjunction. He took a cold shower and then towelled off before he put on fresh clothes. CONJ 3. You use before when you are talking about time. For example, if something happened the day before a particular date or event, it happened during the previous day. The war had ended only a month or so before. ADV: n ADV • Before is also a preposition. It’s interesting that he sent me the book twenty days before the deadline for my book. PREP: n PREP n • Before is also a conjunction. Kelman had a book published in the US more than a decade before a British publisher would touch him. CONJ 4. If you do something before someone else can do something, you do it when they have not yet done it. Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it. CONJ 5. If someone has done something before, they have done it on a previous occasion. If someone has not done something before, they have never done it. I had met Professor Lown before... She had never been to Italy before. ADV: ADV after v 6. If there is a period of time or if several things are done before something...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb or adjective  Etymology: Middle English, adverb & preposition, from Old English beforan, from be- + foran ~, from fore  Date: ~ 12th century  1. in advance ; ahead marching on ~  2. at an earlier time ; previously the night ~ knew her from ~  II. preposition  Date: ~ 12th century  1.  a.  (1) forward of ; in front of stood ~ the fire  (2) in the presence of speaking ~ the conference  b. under the jurisdiction or consideration of the case ~ the court  c.  (1) at the disposal of the great sums placed ~ him  (2) in store for got the whole summer ~ you  2. preceding in time ; earlier than just ~ noon  3. in a higher or more important position than put quantity ~ quality  III. conjunction  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) earlier than the time that call me ~ you go  (2) sooner or quicker than I'll be done ~ you know it  (3) so that…do not get out of there ~ you get dirty  b. until the time that miles to go ~ I sleep — Robert Frost  c.  (1) or else…not must be convicted ~ he can be removed from office  (2) or else get out of here ~ I call a cop  2. rather or sooner than would starve ~ he'd steal ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  conj., prep., & adv. --conj. 1 earlier than the time when (crawled before he walked). 2 rather than that (would starve before he stole). --prep. 1 a in front of (before her in the queue). b ahead of (crossed the line before him). c under the impulse of (recoil before the attack). d awaiting (the future before them). 2 earlier than; preceding (Lent comes before Easter). 3 rather than (death before dishonour). 4 a in the presence of (appear before the judge). b for the attention of (a plan put before the committee). --adv. 1 a earlier than the time in question; already (heard it before). b in the past (happened long before). 2 ahead (go before). 3 on the front (hit before and behind). Phrases and idioms Before Christ (of a date) reckoned backwards from the birth of Christ. before God a solemn oath meaning 'as God sees me'. before time see TIME. Etymology: OE beforan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. раньше, прежде come at five o'clock, not before —- приходите в пять часов, не раньше I have never seen him before —- я никогда раньше не видел его silent as before —- молчаливый, как и прежде 2. впереди there were trees before —- впереди были деревья this page and the one before —- эта страница и предыдущая 3. вперед he has gone on before —- он ушел вперед 4. в сочетаниях: the year before —- год назад a moment before —- минуту назад, только что long before —- задолго до, давно уже the day before —- накануне it had been fine the day before —- накануне была хорошая погода 5. во временном значении указывает на предшествование: до, раньше before Christ —- до рождества Христова come before five o'clock —- приходите до пяти часов they took a walk before dinner —- они погуляли перед обедом before answering the letter he reread it —- прежде чем ответить на письмо, он его перечитал the generations before us —- предыдущие поколения 6. в пространственном значении указывает на нахождение или движение перед кем, чем-л.: перед a leaf before the wind —- листок, гонимый ветром she saw a road before her —- она увидела перед собой дорогу she sat (just) before me —- она сидела (прямо) передо мной (напротив меня) he stared before him —- он смотрел прямо перед собой 7. указывает на протекание процесса в чьем-л. присутствии: 8. перед, в присутствии before one's (very) eyes —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  dark до наступления темноты BEFORE  1. adv.  1) впереди; вперед  2) раньше, прежде, уже I have heard it before - я это уже слышал - long before  2. prep.  1) перед he stood before us - он стоял перед нами  2) перед лицом, в присутствии to appear before the Court - предстать перед судом  3) до the day before yesterday - позавчера, третьего дня Chaucer lived before Shakespeare - Чосер жил до Шекспира - before long - before now  4) впереди your whole life is before you - у вас вся жизнь впереди  5) выше; больше to be before others in class - быть (по успехам) впереди своих одноклассников I love him before myself - я люблю его больше самого себя  6) скорее... чем he would die before lying - он скорее умрет, чем солжет  3. cj. прежде чем he arrived before I expected him - он приехал раньше, чем я ожидал BEFORE smb. s face перед (самым) носом у кого-л. BEFORE now раньше, до сих пор BEFORE meat перед едой BEFORE long скоро, вскоре BEFORE day до рассвета ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. beforan, from P.Gmc. *bi- "by" + *forana "from the front." Beforehand is M.E., originally two words, specifically a reference to payment in advance. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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